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The message view
Adium's message display, "WebKit Message View" (WKMV), is powered by WebKit (dedicated Adium Wiki entry; official site), the same layout engine which drives Apple's Safari web browser. This allows Adium to support an incredible variety of beautiful message display styles, and allows web-savvy users to become developers of Adium's appearance without touching a line of code.
Message styles
.AdiumMessageStyle Xtras provide alternate message styles for Adium. By default, Adium contains seven message styles that can be configured from Adium's Messages preferences pane:
- GoneDark
- minimal_mod
- Mockie
- Renkoo
- Smooth Operator
- Stockholm
- yMous
Hundreds of additional message styles are available from the Adium Xtras site, and can be installed by clicking the install link on the Xtra's page. To install a message style that you have already downloaded, simply doubleclick it. In either case, Adium will launch and put it into the correct place for you.
Information on making custom message styles is available at CreatingMessageStyles.